Thursday, July 24, 2008

Juvenile Diabetes

Author : Bhadresh Bundela

Juvenile diabetes or Type 1 diabetes is common among children. Every year, around 13,000 new cases of Juvenile diabetes are reported in America. True to its name, it mostly attacks the children but adults as well come into its hold.

In juvenile diabetes, shortage of supply of insulin and glucose builds up in the bloodstream as cells are unable to use it. The body is unable to use the entire glucose because it is available in the bloodstream only.

This increases hunger. You consume more food, but suffer from fatigue. Frequent urination is another symptom of this type of diabetes. What happens later is insulin producing beta cells of the pancreas are totally destroyed by body's own immune system. Hence the necessity arises to get the supply of insulin from the outside sources.

Some other specific symptoms of Type I diabetes are:

In women, absence of menstruation, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting mark the arrival of this disease. Unbearable abdominal pain, abrupt weight loss despite normal or increased appetite, exhaustion when you walk short distances, more exhaustion if you climb are the other common symptoms.

You can not arrive at the final conclusion with regard to the diabetes condition with the presence of the above conditions alone. For further confirmation, diagnostic approach is also necessary. The most desirable test is insulin test. This test gives the firm indications/results, whether you have the diabetes or not.

As soon as the symptoms re-confirmed, hospitalization is the initial step to regulate the insulin level. But diabetes is not a disease that has the guaranteed cure. Though, it can be controlled with apt care. There is also the fear of Type I diabetes turning to Type II diabetes. You need to understand your diabetes in proper perspective by knowing about the diabetic related problems. Call it diabetic education. Dietary changes are inevitable as diet is the important factor for curbing as well as increasing the diabetes condition.

Take control of the disease; never allow it to take control of you. If you ignore the disease at the initial stages, it may lead to several other types of serious diseases such as high blood pressure, heart related diseases and paralysis.

For More Information about Diabetes!!!!!! Visit…….
For, Solution Visit

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